Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Steps to setup Plone in GNU/Linux

First i started with Plone 2.0.5 and Zope 2.8.0
But i got some errors while publishing. I posted the query in the plone users mailing list and got a solution that Zope 2.8.0 doesnt support Plone 2.0.5.

So i downloaded Zope 2.7.0 and installed it.
Installation steps for Zope: (As an ordinary user)

[webtest@headnode bin]
$ tar -vxzf Zope-2.7.0.tgz

[webtest@headnode bin]
$ cd Zope-2.7.0

[webtest@headnode bin]
$ ./configure --prefix /opt/zope

Configuring Zope installation

Testing for an acceptable Python interpreter...

Python version 2.3.5 found at /usr/local/bin/python

Python version 2.3.5 found at /usr/local/bin/python2.3

Python version 2.3.3 found at /usr/bin/python

The optimum Python version (2.3.3) was found at /usr/bin/python.

- Zope top-level binary directory will be /opt/zope.
- Makefile written.

Next, run make.

[webtest@headnode bin]
$ make install
(do it as a super user)
.At the end of the installation, you will see

Zope binaries installed successfully.

Now run '/opt/zope/bin/'

[webtest@headnode bin]
$ /opt/zope/bin/
Please choose a directory in which you'd like to install
Zope "instance home" files such as database files, configuration
files, etc.

Directory: /home/webtest/zope
Please choose a username and password for the initial user.
These will be the credentials you use to initially manage
your new Zope instance.

Username: admin
Verify password:
[webtest@headnode bin]$ cd /home/webtest/zope/bin
[webtest@headnode bin]$ ./runzope
2005-07-06T16:09:12 INFO(0) ZServer HTTP server started at Wed Jul 6 16:09:12 2005
Port: 8080
2005-07-06T16:09:12 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Wed Jul 6 16:09:12 2005
Port: 8021
2005-07-06T16:09:14 DEBUG(-200) FileStorage create storage /home/webtest/zope/var/Data.fs
2005-07-06T16:09:14 DEBUG(-200) TemporaryStorage create storage temporary storage for sessioning
2005-07-06T16:09:14 BLATHER(-100) ZODB Commiting subtransaction of size 722
2005-07-06T16:09:14 BLATHER(-100) ZODB Commiting subtransaction of size 1813
2005-07-06T16:09:16 INFO(0) Zope New disk product detected, determining if we need to fix up any ZClasses.
2005-07-06T16:09:16 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGTERM
2005-07-06T16:09:16 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGINT
2005-07-06T16:09:16 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGHUP
2005-07-06T16:09:16 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGUSR2
2005-07-06T16:09:16 INFO(0) Zope Ready to handle requests

Now Zope is ready and it can be tested in the browser
If you are using the port 8080 for someother application, then you can change the port numer in the file ~/zope/etc/zope.conf

Zope has been successfully installed and configured. Voila!!!

Installation steps for Plone:

[webtest@headnode webtest]$ tar -vxzf Plone-2.0.5.tar.gz

[webtest@headnode webtest]$ cp -R Plone-2.0.5/* zope/Products

Note: The Products folder should contain list of folders as shown and not the Plone-2.0.5 dir as such

Thats it, The installation of Plone is over. Now restart Zope.

[webtest@headnode bin]$ ./runzope

2005-07-06T16:16:55 INFO(0) Zope New disk product detected, determining if we need to fix up any ZClasses.

2005-07-06T16:16:56 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGTERM
2005-07-06T16:16:56 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGINT
2005-07-06T16:16:56 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGHUP
2005-07-06T16:16:56 BLATHER(-100) Z2 Installed sighandler for SIGUSR2
2005-07-06T16:16:56 INFO(0) Zope Ready to handle requests

Now to create a Plone site and test:
On the browser type:
Enter the user name and password.
In the page that loads, on the top right, select Plone site and click add.
Enter the necessary details , like id = test,.. and click on Add Plone Site.
To access the newly created plone site,

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